Supernoobs News

Clan news . . .

  • 09 Mar 2022 We are looking for players who would like to join us to play competitive in a five stack for the next Act IV. If you are interested send a PM to SN EXET o50#1968 in-game and we will talk. You can also send an email to I will get back to you then.
  • 08 Jan 2021 The Supernoobs Clan website goes online

Members news . . .

  • 22 Feb 2022 SN Aladin becomes a member
  • 24 Oct 2021 SN EXET has new YouTube Channel active
  • 22 Apr 2021 SN Baka (Bakaa) becomes a member
  • 22 Jan 2021 SN DrinkiVinki becomes a member
  • 18 Jan 2021 SN Uzai (Mxtchgo) becomes a member
  • 14 Jan 2021 SN Fishface becomes a member
  • 08 Jan 2021 SN EXET and SN Kreznik are the first SN members